April 09, 2021

Oh.. I miss being myself!

They only Add! There is no other way!

What is killed and forgotten, only comes back, as a ghost, haunting.... not letting your smile bloom and spread, not letting you breathe as freely, not letting you live, churning you from within.What was once a passion, is now poison. Roles in life can only add!

They once stretched your wings and made you soar, and you now cannot hold back. You embrace them, and life is beautiful. You leave them, you leave yourself. They already are your identity. All roles have to be played. You have no choice. You are haunted. 

Those little precious dreams in life, that you hold dear,  those petty interests that are invaluable to you, those strifle things your heart yearns for .. don't remain small/petty/strifle once they change to regrets on hindsight. Alas! These burdens are too heavy for an already burdened heart. They fight, never subside  & guilt is born. Those passions you discovered, those that made you discover yourself, those that taught you what life is! They cannot be contained. You cannot live. It is a ticking bomb. Save yourself!

With time, your worlds change. So do you.  There comes a phase in life, where you cannot live for yourself anymore. You embrace your new world and change yourself effortlessly & easily forget yourself. You forget to live your life. 

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? When was the last time you relished the dessert all for yourself?  When was the last time when you stretched in the couch with that heavy book?  When was the last time you gave into your guilty pleasures and impulses? Now there is someone else who you live for. The 'YOU' is lost somewhere. And, yet life seems blissful and never better.

Each day, time flies. Your bones break. Nerves throb. Hell breaks loose. Despite all that, from some empty corner of your heart, guilt kills. It's a pain you cannot bear. You don't have a choice. The 'YOU' has to squeeze in & coexist

The little kid who never knew a care, the girl who knew no world other than her little own, the young lady who painted several faces of herself and celebrated them with pride, the lady who soared and never looked back.. they all still exist & can never die. What is killed, only comes back, to haunt. The 'I' has to exist.

Squeeze it in & coexist. Celebrate womanhood!

(PS: This blog is a ghost too.. Eerie?)

October 13, 2016

My world

Shifted,... again!
My world now has a new centre. Life progresses. Such is a woman's heart!

September 12, 2011

Pixel's preaching

I see,
yet, I am blind to all else, but what I expect to see...

I doubt, very often,.. why do I have to see?
or, actually..
Why can't I 'see'?

May 30, 2011

May 11, 2011

Through the Mind's eye..

Engineer/Artist/Magician.. what do I call Him?

Prologue: Once upon a time, Someone mysterious once created a Magic lens and an enormous, endless Painting. They were both so marvellous & magnificent that, everyone who possessed the magic lens spent their lives looking at the enormous painting through the lens, all through their lives, spellbound! So profound was the magic of the lens that, none who lived could decipher the painting for what it was,... for it was ever changing. In no two instances, it looked alike to a person or to no two living people!

One day, a little girl slept on the terrace of her house, beside her father, with his hand conveniently stretched out under her tiny head & her little arms embracing him. She lay there, gazing at the endless sky, for the natural curiosity of childhood is unending. The stars seemed wonderful to her. She kept staring for a long time at those tiny sparkles that spread across the clear dark sky. Thousands of questions swam through her tiny head. She slowly turned to her dad & innocently asked, "where do stars go during the day for they are no where to be seen?!" What her dad told her,.. is rather obvious. She only half understood. She lay silently, still gazing, and trying to contemplate. She soon fell asleep.

Yet another day, the girl sat in the window seat on a train (which was her favorite), after a quarrel with her mother for that seat. She was exhilarated having got what she wanted! She, sat facing the window, looking outside, eager to see the all what she could. Soon she forgot the world inside. Another train passed by hers, going in the opposite direction. The speed thrilled her. Immediately she sprang to her dad and complained.. 'I want to travel in that train.. It is very fast! Our train is a useless one! Lets take a train as fast as the one which just went by!':)) With an affectionate smile, her dad patiently tried to convince 'Ours is a superfast & the one u just saw is just a passenger. Ours is much faster!'. The girl wouldn't believe... for she just witnessed that the speed was breath-taking. Little did she know the physics behind it that day!!

Time has changed.

The young lady didn't lose her enthusiasm about the world outside... She constantly looked at the outside world & was amazed. The world looked vivid & scintillating. It was ever changing. She couldn't stop admiring the beauty. All the beauty reflected back on her heart like a mirror. The reflections were very subtle. Sometimes they produced a photo negative. A variety of emotions 'rose' inside her, with every passing day. She was lost in them.

Little does she realize that she is STILL sitting in a train & gazing at the skies! Simple physics is sometimes, life's deepest philosophy!

January 25, 2011

Moved to a new 'sound-proof' home..

... a 'private' sanctum, I can say.

I 'hear'by relieve you from all(atleast much of) the noise. Make your own now.

January 12, 2011

Wordpress tagline!


Code is Lullaby I say! ;)

[& yes, I tweet on blogger.]

November 13, 2010

The mind machine

I rise, I dive ..
I move or I am moved ..
I change ..

Pity!.. my heart always yearns for that place.. that dream!

I have lived a several lives.
Or perhaps, the same life was lived my 'the many in me'.
The ball had to be passed..
For change is the only constant.
I moved or I was kicked.

I felt nostalgic.
I only yearned to return to the 'dreamland' - my home place.... where I belong!

I dream of a that perfect day,
when the world is exactly as small as I created,
.. and that lovely dream I painted,
in vivid colors that hypnotize me,
every step I take away from it,
I burn deep within me.

Here is my mind machine,
taking me to a very new world,
and I make a startling discovery,
of a newer me,
of whom I never knew,
each time!

Yet my dreams take me very far,
N I am lost in searching my path,
to the land of those dreams.

Lost in a limbo..
or caught in an eternal trap
in a web of dreams

To time,
I surrender.
Thus I do not fail.
For I know, this is a state machine,
in which i am eternally trapped..
no matter where it takes,
all the paths lead to my dream.

A dream leads to a dream!

H here I am,..
after I took a deep dive into the rabbit hole ;)..
still diving ;)
and I will live my dream where ever I am transported!

All this said,
Laziness.. my most prevalent state.... never fails to return..

(Inspired by the Markov chain poem (absolutely love it). Giving u the entire list so that u can enjoy too:))

August 30, 2010

The perfect world

I proclaim:
The world is my creation!
I am a proud GOD!

And I dream of the day,
when the world is exactly as small as I created.

How far is it?