July 04, 2010

Little things that piss me off!! - Tag..

Little things that piss me off!! - Tag..

Tag??? It took a while to understand.. It took a little 'research (oh just search in my frens blogs) to understand this concept..
Some guy got this 'tag' and found it interesting... But ... he passed it on to our Miss Geetu.. n she passed it on to me..!!

1. My alarm sound..
2. seeing exactly what i dontt want to see when i look into a mirror (not finding a shirt of my size)
3. Having to attend a meeting when it is raining outside
4.  Getting pissed off for having to stay in a place like that I am currently staying & still staying in the place.
5. slow loading pages..
6. My inaction despite the storms inside
7. People taking me for granted and more - me not standing up for myself
and many more..

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