January 25, 2011

Moved to a new 'sound-proof' home..

... a 'private' sanctum, I can say.

I 'hear'by relieve you from all(atleast much of) the noise. Make your own now.


vikky2vikram said...

sounds like attaining nirvana ?? :P

Aanchal said...

where exactly??

The Idle Brain said...

@Vikky.. Looks like u r waiting for me to..:x U r not so lucky yet. Pray that I should entirely abandon this space:p

@Aanchal.. Wordpress.

Grew tired of all the attention I am getting here;):p so I went looking for some privacy.

Kiddin. I feel I want to scream & shout aloud. Hate the polished phrases & the etiquette (I realized I have more drafts than posts here). So I moved.